Welcome to Daven Primary School. Our inclusive school highly values each member of our school community and is built on mutual respect. We are proud of our values of ‘Brave, Kind and Curious’ which provide the foundations for our curriculum and day-to-day life.

The first day at primary school is arguably the beginning of the most important stage in a child’s life: we recognise this and at Daven Primary school we endeavour to make the first days, and every day of your child’s education, matter. Every single minute counts so we ensure that our curriculum and school day allows for your child to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful, confident individuals who enjoy to learn. We can achieve this by working together with you to guide, motivate and support your child in everything they do at school.

I am extremely passionate about the culture of possibility. By teaching the values of brave, kind and curious, alongside a cohesive and well-taught curriculum, we want to empower the pupils of Daven to take on the world; we want our pupils to believe they can accept any challenge; and that sometimes, the only way to do this is to take risks. 

We are very lucky to have committed staff lwho ensure your child receives the very best education. We are also supported by 'Friends of Daven' – a team of talented people, who are very creative in raising money for all sorts of equipment and tools for learning.

Please come visit and see our children in action; we look forward to welcoming you and your family to our school.

Jennifer Gosling