At Daven Primary School, we teach the National Curriculum computing objectives using the scheme Purple Mash. As well as teaching computing through the scheme, we embed online safety through PSHE, assemblies and through the use of 'Be Internet Legends', including The Internet Legends Code.

We are extremely proud to have been recognised for our commitment to helping pupils stay safe online by becoming a National Online Certified School. We have successfully completed a comprehensive online safety training programme demonstrating our commitment to keeping children and young people safe online.


Technology is everywhere and plays an important part in the children’s lives. We want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. We recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. We recognise that technology can allow pupils to share their learning in creative ways. We also understand the accessibility opportunities technology can provide for our pupils. 


At Daven, computing is embedded across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible.This can be seen through presenting work in a range of subjects; creating graphs for science; and carrying out research for foundation subjects etc. Teachers use Purple Mash to deliver the computing curriculum weekly. We also have a specialist computing teacher (MGL) that spends a term with each key stage throughout the year. Children also have lessons on online safety and we have recently launched a new online safety platform for teachers and parents.

The roadmap below illustrates how the units of learning have been mapped out to develop children's skills and knowledge over time. 


At Daven we are enabling all of our children to develop their computing skills in order to prepare them for the digital world that we live in. Children are proficient in using technology which equips them for the future. The Purple Mash scheme provides assessment opportunities and children are moving their learning forward every day when they access the technology we have in school. Online safety is of paramount importance and at Daven we encourage parents to access our National Online Safety platform so that they can support their children. Online safety is taught to an extent that our pupils are equipped to deal with the online world and social media.

Key documents can be found at the bottom of the page; if you have any further questions, please contact the school office and they can ensure the correct member of staff contacts you.

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